Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Morning Walk

Flowers still bloom and birds do sing ,

Colors still bright and music still soothing.

Though all stay at safe distance , get closer to nature when you can.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Getting Moms back to work

Getting Moms back to work is a topic that keeps coming to me every now and then when I talk to many friends who work after being moms to support the family or who stopped working to take care of the new little life they are responsible for. Being a  mom myself who have worked most of my motherhood and left working for keeping the family together due to location constraints of the job; I kind of really get it when people talk about working mothers. This I think is a  cause I am passionate about and have been researching a lot about .

One thing I'm sure - All ; ladies or gents ; moms or otherwise need to be independent !
Will try to post as many resources as I collect which can help us stay independent - financially and emotionally.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


Be responsible to anything- (an event , idea or person )- that moves YOU !
Don't let it pass before you take action on !

Friday, May 15, 2020

Savor the moment !

Relishing and enjoying every blessing in life is  one of the keys to unlock happiness.

In the hard times of today with negative news flooding all around enjoy every single blessing in your life - the laughter of your kid in the living room, the sun shining outside , the glass of pure drinking water , the green leaves on the tree dancing to the gentle breeze , the moment of silence you get for yourself - enjoy all of these !

Pause and enjoy the moment for everything that life has to offer.
Slow down and Savor the moment !
Let life flow while you stand still !