Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Change 3

I tend to take many things that people generally take seriously- very lightly - as if it is not going to impact me.  Having delved a little into Christian spirituality , I tend to forget about the gains in this world when it comes to salary, recognition at work and  let go easily.When people complain about not having got good ratings, hike or promotion - I would mostly be be complacent of whatever I get. There are in afct a lot of instances where many of my colleagues have thought that I'm happy because I got a good hike or appraisal whereas in reality I would have got less than what they have actually got.This I think comes from  self-worthlessness - as if I deserve only this much, which i think needs to change. Not sure how though :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Change 2

My conviction : 'Being silent is the best solution to disagreements'. Realisation : not always and mostly not.

I always believed that keeping silent was the best solution to disagreements with people whether in professional or personal matters. And I chose to remain silent in most of the cases- this did help avoid unnecessary arguments but misled others to believe that I agreed to their opinion - notions. I ,  now strongly believe that more than being silent , it is important to get your views across - even though it might hurt the other person initially, they would know that you are not in consensus with their idea. And success in any meetings,encounters or negotiation lies in getting your view across to the other person and influencing them to change.

Another lighter change which I'm going to practice.

" SPEAK OUT when you do not agree "

Monday, May 21, 2012

Change 1

It has been long since I wrote something. They were many thoughts and topics that I wanted to write about.Could not. Reasons are many that I kept convincing myself to be true. But the fact is, I just could not write.

Finally,  after almost two years I've resolved to start scribbling..:) and to keep it going - for a  Change.

Change is something that I have spent lot of time and energy resisting. I have been so complacent with my way of being that I've resisted change vehemently for a  real long time now. Having developed a  sense of pride in having not changed for years together, it was in deed difficult for me to realize that it was time for me to change. And it is only after I attempted to change that I realized how difficult it is to change and how deep rooted my convictions are. Having resolved to change I am going ahead. 

What I'm referring to is a  change of THOUGHTS ..change of ATTITUDE to life.

Starting from the lighter ones , for example, I have been thinking that 'looks'  have no significance in life and what matters is only what you actually are ; something in reality,  is so relative that it can never be measured or quantified. The depth of this conviction would become clear if I say that I spent hardly 10 minutes a  day on my looks - way too below the average time spent by many. But I now understand that looks do matter - in developing a   first impression and in life where we meet people long enough only to create first impression it does matter to create a good first impression. You may call this articulation - Yes articulation to your favor-  for the good - is important. Many wouldn't took lot of time for me to agree too...

Stopping with this lighter one for now..:) Keep reading..Keep going..:)

Sunday, January 8, 2012


"But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it."

Sunday, January 1, 2012

“This is what the LORD says— he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:16, 18-19 NIV

Happy New Year 2012 !