Wednesday, August 12, 2009

63rd Year of Independence – are we really independent ?

“ The woods are lovely – dark and deep
But I’ve promises to keep
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.”

- Robert Frost

If independence is about ending poverty, ignorance, diseases and inequality of opportunity or wiping the tears from the eyes of every Indian, we still have miles to go before we call India a truly independent nation. Sixty two years since we made the tryst with destiny and came out of the deep slumber of subjugation and slavery under foreign rule, we look back to find an ‘Emerging India’ that has made enormous economic and technological advancement –hotbed of the latest technologies and home to one of the largest technically trained workforce.

At the same time, it is highly disheartening that the progress we made is largely confined to a very small section of us. With more than 40% of Indians living below the international poverty line, there is a large cross section of our people for whom “a day’s meal” still poses the biggest question. The development that we made has largely been skewed with the rich becoming richer and the poor poorer as shown by the increasing Gini coefficient which measures income disparity. With a literacy rate of 65% we still have around 300 million illiterates which is more than the population at the time of independence. With an ever burgeoning one billion plus population we are striving to implement the numerous welfare policies conceived by the central and state governments alike. To add on to it is the red tapestry and corruption in the government and bureaucracy alike.
The national river linking project (NRLP) and unique identification (UID) number program are two such initiatives that once successfully implemented would solve many of the problems that confront us today. The NRLP is the largest water transfer project in the world and would help alleviate hunger and poverty in the agrarian Indian society. And UID would ensure that the benefits conceived by the government reach the targeted population.

Yes, it is true that the Indian sovereign is free to celebrate its national days, culture, multitude of languages and much talked about diversity but there are many millions among us for whom ‘independence’ is just another word in unknown jargon of the fortunate elite few and 'independence day' just another day with lots of tricolour fluttering around.


simran said...

good post indeed !!!

Nayan said...

Hi Anu:
Very nicely expressed. Came to your blog via Wipro Independance day blogging contest.

2 thanks to you.
1. for writing the blog post
2. for sharing it in the contest.

Congrats on the win

Pencil said...

Simran , Nayan : Thanks a lot :)

Dare to Follow the destiny said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hello Anu,

I agree with your Comments....

But , one thing I would like to quote on your blog. During the days of Gandhiji there were only 30,000 Crore people in the Country. During those Golden days Govt had made many plans to erradicate poverty and to improve the status of common people. Plans of Indira Gandhi are still appreciated and many have touched the sand.

People were much friendly to the Politicians , Police and other parts of Government.

But we can't compare the same scenario at this juncture. Still we are dependent to Government and even other parts of Foriegn Government in many Ways.

You can't justify the deal of Nuke with US. or support Sethusamudram..

Or even you can't talk with Boldness on Swatantra. As you work on an MNC supporting foreign Nations, still we a dependent in an another form for food... As US or countries are in recession, then you will lose our supper.

So still dependent.

On Talking about Poverty, It is our responsible to erradicate it , it is not just the duty of the Government to talk about it.

A Democratic govt is of the people and by the people and for the people.

So, on paying your tax alone, can't solve many issues, and this is the first time , we made a Huge Budget in terms of money.

So I would say that Serving to Humanity is Serving to God, If you find a person, who is in the poverty line or if a child can't afford for an education on many grounds means, it is even our responsibility to take care of them.

If we care Our Family alone, means we will complain the Govt always, not at times but thro' out our rest life.

Be optimistic as G.B. Shaw and save the lives of others or educate a child and that child would definitely educate many children, when he attains maturity.

So the Motto is complaining the Govt, or other parties or some one in terms of poverty means, we are losers.

If everyone cares the society , then there can be no poverty any more..

Thanks for reading my comments....


Pencil said...

Thanks Kumaresh for taking time to go through the blog and posting your comments.

I do agree that if each one of us decide to help people around us who are in need , we can make significant changes in the soceity.

But again, it is easier said than done.

No name said...


Congrats 4 ur win..

with love,

Anonymous said...

Hello Anu,

Again, denying the said :- " It is easily said than Done".

I Contribute and my colleague and friend Anand Contribute( and my society contributes. So what else.

If you have the guts , then you can change the world or atleast ur society.
Then what else start changing your society rather speaking.

Nothing in the world can't be change. Certain things involve time , money , and many factors , but still can be done.

For more info you can contact us at

kumaresh (
Anand (

