Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Gulmohar Bloom....

On my way to office a fully bloomed Gulmohar tree..filled my eyes and heart with Joy.
A tribute too small to the tree that lighted up my day...

Due to reasons too many to scribble ..
Or too little to say..
My day had not dawned till I saw you
On my way on either side you were there..
Alas...How is it that I did'nt see you till day..
And failed to enjoy the feast that you gave
To my eyes and to the heart within..

Where were your leaves..?
Is it that your flowers covered them up..?
Just as your bloom covered up the gloom within..
I promise to give you a glance..
But keep your promise to light up my day..
If not on all days...every time I'm left alone...!!!

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