Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The habit of being happy.....

Today on my way to office in the Hyderabad MMTS happened to see an instance which reinforced to me that " Happiness endures more with those who are happy without it "...

The station was buzzling with people as is usual in the wee morning hours.It was thronged with working class men and women largely young IT professionals of which I too am a member though not by my choice but of the fate. This clan to which I belong can usually be identified by young souls with earphones plugged to their ears listening to someone at the other end or finding happiness in some distant source oblivious of the little sources of the happiness around.

I was looking around, a little disturbed since this was supposedly going to be my last official day in Hyderabad and Hyderabad gifted me with many blessings , a city which took me for what I am , without demanding any change what so ever from me.

I spotted a man with a harmonium squatting down on the platform ...It was obivious that the man was blind but he was happy..he radiated happiness all around..The smile on his face was original .. and he was singing to his hearts contend...I was forced to think on the sources of happiness ..

There are some people who are determined to be happy in spite of all that life has to offer.Some for whom happiness is not conditional but is more of a habit. And I have always felt that it is with our desires that we tend to become unhappy. And in the ability to count our blessings lies our happiness .

I tooked out the camera that I carried and clicked a pic of the happy soul.
"Happiness endures more with those who are happy without it "

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