Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Day 3/100 - From the barber shop

Goofy ( one of the many names that I call Aidu ) is particularly paranoid of haircuts that he cries, wails , hits and kicks anyone in the vicinity if someone touches his hair for a  cut. It has been happening ever since his first haircut and has become particularly difficult to convince him for a haircut as he grow. All attempts at cajoling him for a  haircut which his grandparents , uncles , aunties and even neighbors have done has just gone vain.
With multiple  failed attempts at getting his hair cut -  even after managing to take him to the barber shop;. it is either me or his dad who gives him a haircut , which just reduces the length of hair – in no particular pattern. I've been longing to see his hair properly groomed by a professional – for the last 6-7 months.
This Sunday evening when we were planning for an evening walk ; I just had an intuition that maybe  he is no longer afraid of haircuts ; now that he is a BIG boy as he claims. So we just drove to the nearby barber shop without giving a   hint of where we were heading. It was only when I parked the car below the complex  that he asked me where we were going and I just told him we'll get something from a kids shop – which I'm sure he understood was  a lie from his otherwise less sinful mom.
When I climbed the stair to the second floor – he held my hand, looked straight into my eyes and said – "I know where we  are going ". Usually I melt at this dialogue ; but this time I kept my cool ( I'm known to overact and overdo things concerning  Aiden – which his dad and my dad complains equally -as being 'over motherly'  ) and told him "It's OK Goofy we'll be done soon". Thankfully there was no queue and I quickly placed him on the chair as soon as I could; without giving him time to protest. While the barber was making him ready for the haircut – putting an apron around his neck and some talcum powder; he mumbled "Mummy , please ask him to cut slow" – which I dramatically did with all props and frills.
 And there he was – a smart obedient little boy staying calm and cool at the high held chair; slowly tilting his head at the barbers gestures. No wonder he had a good haircut.
So; here is a pic clicked after the haircut in his new dress which we got ,  for being such a lovely champ , from the kids shop below  which I said we came to visit -  I cannot be a liar to my boy.

For now he has bid goodbye to the fear of haircuts ….My boy is growing up.

P.S: When I think back over the episodes of hair cutting accounts that we have had it reinforces to me that kids reflect our feelings most of the time. Earlier when I used to take him to the barber shop; I myself used to worry if the haircut would hurt him and would keep telling him hours in advance that he should not cry or mess up explaining to him that the barber uncle would definitely not hurt him and on and on.This time somehow I was composed and he only reflected my state of mind. 

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